Tecnologia e Informatíca

Opinion Article # 4

Global Forest Watch (GFW)

This article talks about a platform that promotes the use of open information, to protect the environment. Its work has contributed that the information is accessible and visible for the public, allowing the pursuit of the forests in line and improving the decision making on the natural resources. This application is free and easy to use, it allows to any person to create personalized maps, analyze forest tendencies, subscribe to the alerts, or unload information of its area or on a global scale, also uses hardware of crowdsourcing, civil participation and blogs to allow to the users to share content and take part in forums. 

I think that this application should be used by most of the population since this way we would be you consent of the change that is suffering our environment in the whole world. Thi spossibly would generate a campaign toraise public awareness not only in the population but in the governments, and this way more projects would be promoted to take care of the fauna and the flora, How they it are: Forest Heros, is an organization of activists and civil journalists, who have decided to start a global campaign to protect the forests of the world to achieve it they have used a drone to show the problem of the deforestation in the tropical forests of Indonesia. And The Great British Bee Countit is a free application for the mobile that the population of British bees allows tomonitor and help the scientists to evaluate the necessary measures to prevent from keeping on disappearing. 

He would recommend the governments to support economically to environmental projects, since these often are not provided with the sufficient hardware to realize its projects correctly. In another hand I support to the projects environmentalists and recommend to keep on practising, since this helps to that our environment preservs.


Enviorement: The environment is a system formed by natural and artificial elements that are interrelated and that are modified by the human action. It is a question of the environment that determines the form of life of the society and that includes natural, social and cultural values that exist in aplace and certain moment.

Fauna: It refers to the set ofanimals in its different classifications, likemammals, reptiles, birds, etc. 
Flora: It refers to the set of plants that conforms a enviorement

Application: Is a computer application designed to be executed in intelligent phones, tablets and other mobile devices and that there allows to the user to carry out a concrete task of any professional type, of free time, educational, of access to services, facilitating the negotiations or activities todevelop

Takes to : http://www.periodismociudadano.com/2015/09/04/tecnologia-para-proteger-el-medioambiente-5-proyectos-imprescindibles/

5 comentarios:

  1. Name of the evaluator : Miguel Andres Triana 7c
    (1 to 5)
    1.Mind Map
    •Easy to Understand:5
    2.Manual of Image:4
    •Easy to Understand:4
    General Grade:4
    Observations: I understand all the design was very good. GOOD JOB

  2. Grado Noveno.
    Valoración Trabajo de Consulta, Organización y Publicación de Información
    Experiencia 1 - Manual Sonido Digital Parte II - Publicación y Evaluación

    Criterio 1:
    Tipos de Sonido digital: OK
    Formatos de Imagen digital: OK
    Características del Sonido digital: Ok
    Programas para edición del sonido digital: OK
    Diseño Manual en Publisher: OK
    Organización en Mapa Mental: Ok

    Nivel Criterio 1: 7

    Criterio 2:
    Publicación del Mapa mental: OK
    Publicación del Manual en Publisher: OK
    Mapa Mental
    - Textos claros y cortos: Incomleto
    - Uso de imágenes y ramas por colores: Ok
    Manual en Publisher
    - Entendible, buena síntesis: OK
    - Diseño: Mejorable
    Ortografía, uso de mayúsculas/munúsculas, tildes: Ok

    Nivel Criterio 2: 7

    Criterio 3:
    Cuenta con su Blog Académico: OK
    Tiene publicado el mapa mental y el manual solicitado: OK
    Participó de manera activa, efectiva y efeciente de los documentos maestros: OK
    Participó con comentarios asertivos de al menos un Blog de un compañero: OK
    Tiene su portafolio digital, debidamente organizado: OK

    Nivel Criterio 3: 7

  3. Grado Noveno
    Experiencia 1- Periodo 3-Construcción MiniRobot

    Criterio 1:
    Valoración: 7.
    El documento es claro y concreto.
    Muy bien. Felicitaciones. Sòlo faltó haber agregado una imagen de cada componente.

    Criterio 2:
    Valoración: 7
    El minirobot funcionó de acuerdo a los requerimientos
    Participó del taller

    Criterio 3
    Valoración: 7
    Publicó las presentaciones sobre Robótica y el MiRobot

  4. Observaciones - Experiencia 1 - Fichas

    El trabajo está completo. Algunas correcciones a realizar en el manejo de Inglés

    Valoración Criterio 1: 7

    Valoración Criterio 2: Pendiente

    Valoración Criterio 3: 7

  5. This article is very complete and rich in information. Besides, it has a very good english. However, I think that it would help to separate the paragraphs in order for a easly comprehension and to go deeper in the opinion paragraph and in the recomendations. It's a good article.
